Friday, February 4, 2011

A Second Opinion

I've noticed, more lately, my GP doctors' lack of effort to help in anything related to fertility. We've been actively trying to concieve since last August, but not preventing now for almost ten months. I know this is not a very long time in the ttc world, and that it takes normally a year or two to for a healthy pregnancy and child. If my cycles were normal or regular then I wouldn't be concerned.

I started taking BBT in September after I'd read the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility". I'm of the mind that if you don't help yourself then no one else can.

Over the last 5 months I have had 3 cycles. They were about 35 days on average with a very laye ovulation on days 22 & 25, with a pregnancy loss. I had been wondering if my cycles (and therefore hormones) were out of whack because of taking BCP for years. Last cycle proved to me that something is amiss. 57 days and ovulation on day 47 can not be normal.

I tried to speak to my doctor about it back in August when I had weird cycles, then again in October after our loss in the hopes thst she would or could help. She said she would test my hormone levels in January if we were not pregnant by then. In January I was off work on stress leave for a few weeks and I brought up the subject again. Her reply? We'll test you sometime in the spring. Really? [Insert choice words here]. Not acceptable.

Today I went to a walk-in clinic for a second opinion. The doctor there gave me a blood test requisition for standard blood testing, thyroid, hcg and the normal screening. He said they would call me if anything came up as an issue and that they could refer me to a specialist for hormonal testing (and my DH for S&A) if we weren't pregnant soon. He also reassured me that because I had gotten pregnant before it would likely happen again. I will hope that I do not have a progesterone issue and that my next pregnancy will be happy and healthy. I realize that this doctors' answer wasn't much different from the first answer I got but it was much more reassuring and nice to know someone is listening.

I'm going to stay positive and do what I can to balance my hormones through vitamins, and taking care of myself. I go back to work on Monday after a few weeks on leave. I am hopeful that it will be a positive experience and will help to pass the time, until we do get our baby.

On a very positive note, our good friends had their first baby on January 29th! He was supposed to be a groundhogs day baby, but he came out early. So this means an early spring? He's a healthy little guy and we are so overjoyed for their family. It brings excitement that someday we will have our own little healthy bundle of joy.