Monday, February 21, 2011

I am Slowly Going Crazy..

I am slowly going crazy

This past weeks +opk was promising. The very slow rise in temps was not. Finally hit 36.35, which is an okay but not great LP temp, on Sunday. I was expecting it to keep on rising or jump. Instead I got a huge fall to 36.02 and so I retook it instantly and got 36.12. Both crappy temps. I did realize one thing this morning however, I sleep with my mouth open. Perhaps this is a part of the confusing temps I've been getting... hmm. When I took my temp a third time, without moving from bed and in another way (details excluded), it read 35.33 degrees.

So once again, all I can do is wait, and hope, and beg, and wait some more.. It seems like I am waiting my life away.

The herbal regimen I'm now on seems to be okay so far. I'm interested to see how much extra time it will add to my morning routine. I guess I'm waking up extra early tomorrow seeing as I am not a morning person in the least, so I'll need ample time to prepare. I'm very hopeful that it is working as it should and making me healthy and strong. I'd love to get some pregnancy signs soon-ish. I'd take tiredness, nausea, sore BBs or whatever my body needs to endure in order to have a healthy pregnancy!

I know that we will get our dreams of a family someday but right now my impatience is driving me crazy!

Crazy going slowly am I
6-5-4-3-2-1 switch.