This morning upon waking my BBT was quite elevated. 36.41 degrees to be exact, which is very high for me during my follicular phase. Actually, its the highest temperature I've ever seen in the FP and comparable to the temperatures I'd normally see in my luteal phase! I'm hoping that this is a positive sign of things to come. Perhaps my LP this cycle will be nice and strong with high temps which stay up for 9 months.
The tracking website I use,, thinks that due to increasing temperatures over the past three days, ovulation occurred last Thursday... So it quickly added cross hairs onto my chart, and thinks that I am currently 3 dpo. This would be all nice and well, accept.. my fertility monitor and OPKs have all said either "low" or "no" for the past 15 days, since I began testing. I'd been thinking that my monitor was broken, since normally it is supposed to give low readings, then high and finally peak.
Then this morning, my hopes turned around. My monitor showed a "high" reading! I know that this is not yet a pregnancy but it does feel like a win. It is so wonderful each cycle to know that your body is working as it should. Ovulation positives always make me feel like everything is going to be okay. I get so excited to see the tiny smiley face on the OPKs. It's such a huge relief. I still have not been fortunate enough to see the smile this cycle, and I am hoping that the high reading will lead to a smiley face in the next couple of days!
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and it would be a very nice gift to begin a pregnancy on such a love filled day indeed.