Thursday, November 24, 2011

Home Renos Continue!

Week 31. No doctor's appointments this week. I did a few more chores, things like crocheting, piling things to go in our hospital bag and organizing the house. Our nursery furniture should be here in the next few weeks, and I'm excited to get it set up! Then I can do one final organize and clean and it will be all ready for the cubs! I look forward to sitting in their nursery and just being happy.

Tuesday was a busy day with two city inspectors coming to check out our basement renovations for framing and electrical work. The framing passed code and we were given the go ahead to drywall. The electrical however did not. We figured the inspector was having a bad day. We booked a re-inspection right away for Thursday and changed a couple small things (which were not unsafe and should have passed..) Then the drywall company came in the afternoon to do a board count and give an updated estimate. He pointed out a bunch of places where we still needed framing, mostly in the ceiling, which we'd never thought of. Also he noted that we'd have to frame almost the entire stairwell as the home builders had not done it. Needless to say, it was a rough day for Phil and I.

We had our fifth prenatal class, of six Tuesday evening. The topic this week was breastfeeding. The class was interesting but I found most of the information I'd already learned from reading books and magazine articles. Phil found it helpful and that's a big part of why we're taking the classes, so we can both be on the same page. I know that there are so many factors at play, that you won't know if or how much you can feed until you meet your babies, so I'm determined that I'll be able to feed two babies and am going to give it my best. With my stubborn streak and Phil's help, I'm hopeful we'll do well. Next week is our last prenatal twins class and we'll be learning about baby care. Now we're getting to the fun stuff!

Wednesday evening I was supposed to meet with a girlfriend and she was going to paint my belly. She runs a face painting business here in the city. With all the basement news we'd gotten the day before, we had to cancel our plans and work on the basement framing instead. I'm hoping to re-book some time with her in early December and take some painted belly photos.

So instead, we spent Wednesday evening doing more home renos. We went out to buy more lumber..again. Lowes is now like a second home to Phil I am sure. Phil worked really hard (even though he was sick) and got all of the ceiling and bulkhead pieces framed and ready for drywall. He also got the speaker wire installed. I'm so proud of this man! He is a champ and works so hard to get things done for our family. I worry about his health though with all of the stress from working and doing home renos. Though, like a typical guy, refuses to see a doctor for a health check-up. (I haven't come up with a good way to trick him into one yet. Maybe something like the dog going to the vet. Who wants a car ride?) He certainly deserves some relaxation time in the near future!

An electrical inspector came back and looked at our work Thursday morning. He was here ten whole minutes and everything passed. Yay! One step closer! The items left on our to-do list are to frame our stairwell (I'm hoping this will go somewhat smoothly) and to run CAT-6 cables. Phil plans to tackle the job Friday evening, and Saturday if needed. Then we can call for drywall (fingers crossed) and they can be here and boarding everything by next week sometime. I can't wait!

As if we (Phil) didn't have enough on our plates, we're also attempting to update our master bedroom. Our plans are to paint our master bedroom in preparation for some new bedroom furniture. We've (I've) been debating the past couple of weeks between a pale green vs a muted blue, with dark wood furnishings. We'd like it to be a calm, put together space. (It's been years in the making and finally we're actually going to get some real adult furniture! Yay!) We have a few places picked out and hope to find a bit of time to go shopping this weekend. Plus, visit another small Christmas craft market in our area. Perhaps Saturday.

Sunday is our second wedding anniversary! I'm not sure where the time has gone. It seems like yesterday we were on the beach, saying our vows in front of family and friends. (I miss the beach.. and this reminds me of just how long it has been since we've been to one.. time to plan another vacation! Okay, I really need to learn to slow down..I know.) I don't have a clue what our plans are, but I'm sure it will be lovely whatever we do, as long as I'm with Phil.
31 week belly.. there are two cubs in there!