Thursday, November 10, 2011

Never Ending To-Do Lists & Karate!

Welcome to Month 7!
Being at home to rest. So far, it's been rather.. well, slow. I'm training myself to just sit down, take breaks and try to keep myself in check. I put one chore-type item (organizing/cleaning) on my list to do each day and then force myself to stop. I've discovered that I'm a mover at heart. Also that I don't like clutter. The next few weeks are going to be challenging. At least it's in someway this experience is preparing me for all of the tasks which will get pushed to the wayside once our cubs make their arrival. Patience is key!

For example, I have big plans to get our basement renovation completed (Phil's job), finish setting up our nursery (Phil's job), insulate & organize our garage (Phil's job), wash our quads & get the tire repaired, then get them stored in the trailer for the winter (again, Phil's job), paint our master bedroom (Phil would paint).. Do we see a theme here?? Then I'd shop for & purchase new bedroom furniture (shopping is not something on my can do list really, online dreaming is more like it right now), sew together a bunch of minky baby blankets & crochet baby blankets/hats (as gifts for pregnant girlfriends). All of this is on my "To-Do" List before the babies arrive.. Wish me luck.. I have a feeling I'll be needing it.

This week we had only one appointment, to our prenatal class Tuesday night. The topic this week? Cesarean sections and medications. I was apprehensive to go. (I'd much rather have taken a nap..) I know it's something we may need to know, but I think sometimes I'd rather be oblivious. If there's one thing I've learned from pregnancy it's that the more you read/the more knowledge you have, the more you find to worry over. I sometimes think that knowing less would somehow be a blessing in disguise. If only my personality wasn't so independent. I'm much too "take charge" for that and read all of the time about what is going on inside of my tummy. I like to know exactly what's going on, so I'll know if something is amiss. Curse my curiosity!

The class was informative, and yet so very scary. I didn't like the thought of being tied to a bed by tubes and wires. The epidural (which we are basically required to get with twins - in case the need was to arise for an emergency c-section) looked horrible and not fun in the least. I've had girlfriends tell me to "get the epidural" as they've all had good experiences with it. It's still very creepy to me. that wasn't the worst part. I think having the IVs stuck in me where I'll actually be able to see them will be much worse.

With twins, at the Rockyview Hospital, we will be delivering in the operating room, whether it's a natural birth or a c-section, and not in a labour & delivery room. What this means to me is that it will not be a nice serene room, but rather I should expect to be completely surrounded by people of various talents. I'm okay with all of the people. What I am not okay with is that they only allow one person in the room with me. My own mom will have to wait outside for a few hours while I am in the OR delivering babies and then if necessary in the recovery room. This is not exactly how I planned it. (We're hoping Baby Girl - aka Baby A - will be head down at the time of labour and then we can try for natural births.)

We were told in class this week that at about 32 weeks along with twins, the babies will run out of room to flip around. If at our 32 week ultrasound, on December 1st, Baby Girl is head down, then we should be expecting natural birth. If she's breech, we will begin to prepare for a scheduled c-section. At least we will have some idea ahead of time. I hope she stays head down like she was last week..
29 Week Belly Photo - Getting big and still two months to go!
In other news, Phil returned to karate back in September. (I am so very proud of him.) He & I are both still green belts, though I think he will be a blue belt soon enough! As for me, I am not sure when I will find the time to return to training. Perhaps the term in September 2012, once the babies are big enough to be left for a few hours.

On Saturday we are spending the day at a local Karate Tournament. Phil is competing for the first time in a couple of years and I am going along to cheer for him, as well as our club members. It will be nice to see them again! I plan to bring along my crocheting to keep busy over the course of the day. (Also a big bottle of water + lots of snacks.) Hope my butt doesn't get sore!

For the next two days, my brother is visiting. Tonight he got to feel little girl kicking. He thought it was really neat and "kind of freaky". I think he is excited to have a niece and nephew coming. We have plans this long weekend to work a little bit more on the basement/clean up and watch a few movies in addition to all of the karate going on. It's going to be a wonderful weekend!