Thursday, December 1, 2011

Big 3-2 Milestone!

Milestone Week 32! A few weeks back, when first meeting our OB she had said that "if" we made it to week 32, we'd be "laughing all the way to the bank." Well here it is!

Last Sunday we celebrated our second wedding anniversary by going furniture shopping in the afternoon. We bought ourselves a joint gift of new master bedroom furniture from Kincaid and a Lazboy rocker recliner chair that matches our living room furniture. We plan to put the chair in the nursery (it may be a bit of a tight fit but we loved it so we'll make room - I believe Phil thinks it is his sports-watching-chair, but he is sadly mistaken, and it is all mine..) and then once we're done with it in the nursery, we can move it into our rumpus room. We ordered a king size bed (Woohoo! Space for family cuddling), two nightstands and a dresser with thirteen drawers (a huge upgrade from the three drawers we currently have). Phil also gave me a dozen gorgeous pink roses, and an IOU to paint our bedroom! I gave him a black cashmere scarf, which he seems to love, as he's worn it a lot already. We also went out for a romantic dinner together to an italian restaurant. It was a very wonderful anniversary.
Our Anniversary
Monday morning, I had our 32 week visit with the OB. I saw the med student again and she attempted to listen to the cubs' heartbeats. She's not very good at it, so later that afternoon Phil and I listened at home. I find it comforting. Also for some reason it gets the babies moving around quite a bit and kicking the doppler, which I find cute and entertaining. At the OB office they weighed me again. This time I looked. Which was a mistake. Never ever look. (I'm fairly certain that the cubs weigh somewhere in the vicinity of 20-25lbs each right?) The med student also measured my belly again and I've now got a 44 week pregnant belly! My blood pressure was the highest it's been so far at 120/70, but still very normal. I'd exerted myself just before the appointment (by walking.. what doesn't cause some level of exertion now a days?).

Tuesday evening was our final prenatal class and we talked about baby care. We learned swaddling techniques (Phil did a wonderful job), bathing and diapering. We are happy to be finished (and went out to the Keg to celebrate after the class), and yet somehow, we will miss the classes and the socializing with other couples expecting twins. The instructor gave us two little baby spoons wrapped in two baby wash cloths as a gift from our babies, for completing the prenatal classes. It was nice to know we had a place to ask questions, even if only once a week. Now, we're on our own to figure out this whole being a parent thing. I can only imagine what it is going to feel like to leave the hospital with two babies.. that will be an eye opener. (I bet Phil will drive home like an old man..) We look forward to applying what we've learned.

Thursday morning we had our 32 week ultrasound. No more cervical checks on ultrasound for this gal. I'm not sure yet how I feel about that. I kind of liked knowing, just as a small measure of how long we may have until labour. It somehow made me feel more comfortable that the cubs were planning to stay put awhile longer. Plus I'm certain it must be getting shorter, as baby girl seems to like to kick me in the crotch frequently from the inside. She's now breech.. not what we were hoping for, but as long as they are both healthy and growing we can't ask for anything else. We're hoping that she will flip around again, head down, in the next few weeks so we can try for natural births. The babies each gained almost another pound. Baby girl weighs 1826g (just over 4lbs) with a heartbeat of 139bpm and baby boy weighs 1973g (4lbs 6oz) with a heartbeat of 160bpm. My blood pressure was great at 110/60, and we're all doing well.

On a non-baby related note, we donated a bunch of housewares and electronics for charity pick up today and it feels great to get rid of things we no longer need! I'm in a major decluttering mood lately. As for basement reno news, a load of drywall was delivered to our house on Wednesday. Hurray! The drywall guys came on Thursday afternoon to begin working on our basement. They will be returning Friday to finish up, so that the mudding/taping can hopefully begin on Monday. I can not wait until it is beautiful, white and looks like a real space that we can paint and add flooring to..
Halo inspecting the drywall pile
Phil double checking the pot lights he installed
On the weekend we plan to put up the Christmas lights and go to yet another Christmas craft market. I love this time of year with all of the craft markets. They give me a chance to walk around a bit, so I feel like I'm getting some type of exercise even if it is small. We also hope to pick up our nursery furniture from way up in the northwest quadrant of the city. We called and it should be in the latest shipment.. finally! Saturday afternoon, I also have a prenatal massage booked. I'm enjoying being spoiled.
Milestone 32 week belly! (Measuring 44 weeks)
Sunday afternoon Phil and I are getting a professional maternity photo shoot. I plan to bring along a few props from the nursery, perhaps a stuffed animal, their native slippers, ultrasound photos and whatever else we can think of. I can not wait to see the photos of Phil & I, plus belly o' cubs.