Monday, January 3, 2011

This is the song that never ends..

Hi again. It's now CD39 and no sign of AF no sign of O-day. I'm beginning to question my body, question if I should be calling my doctor to go in for a second opinion. But I have a feeling I know what she would say. "Wait a few more cycles as it can take up to a year for AF to regulate/to get pregnant/etc." She told me it isn't necessary to temp unless something is wrong. I temp anyway. I'm a bit of a control freak in case anyone hasn't already noticed. *grin*

Yesterday, just out of sheer confusion from this wacky cycle, I took a HPT with FMU. It was negative. No big shocker. So I'm left wondering what the heck is going on. All I can hope for is AF to come soon or at the very least an O spike in my temps. My chart this cycle is definately curious. There's been a slow rise over the past few days, but nothing over my coverline. So I hold out a small spark of hope. If nothing changes in a few days I may make an appointment with the doctor anyhow. That will surely get AF to show up!

I also had a psychic reading done and was quite pleased with the results I received yesterday. If nothing else, they give me hope and a bit of peace for the future to come. Here's what she said:

"As I tune in I want to say where I'm being drawn to this month for you, which is January, now they keep talking about the 19th so I feel this date will be an important one for you. I want to say that I feel very drawn to a wee boy for you, and also three more to follow, two boys and one girl, I want to mention where I also feel that there will be one multiple birth or births very very close together in a sense. I want to mention where I feel that there will be a birth linking to September, and I feel this is the first of them in a sense.

The first card is Peace Offering  
This is showing me where I feel that there is a wee bit of conflict around you and a partner at the moment, or a wee disagreement in a sense, I feel at times your personalities clash in a sense but I want to say where I feel that it does work though. I want to say where I feel that its also telling you that you have to relax a wee bit more, have some fun along the way on this journey and also see the funny side to the situation.

The second card is You are Seeing the Situation Accurately
This is showing me where you are to trust any feelings that you are having about your current situation as they are accurate and very much valid, I feel you have to go with your intuition. You are being told to do what you feel is right at the moment, an also being told to avoid any situation that cause you to feel awkward or stressed in a sense, look more after number one at the moment.

The last card is Open your Heart to Love 
Again it’s mentioning a situation around you, I don't know what's going on but I do feel there is a few niggles around you at the moment, involving other people. I want to say also where I feel this is signifying so much love that you have to give an the love that will be coming into your life in the way of these children, I want to offer you good luck and encouragement for the future ahead."