Monday, January 17, 2011

Still in the Dark

"Time goes by so slowly", to quote Madonna. Today is CD53. I 'think' that O-day was January 10th, due to a +OPK the day before, though my FF chart seems not to be cooperating. No crosshairs. All I can do is cross my fingers and hope that this weird cycle isn't all for naught. Perhaps a lovely life will come out of this oddness. One can hope.

I am trying my very best to stay relaxed and try not to worry or let baby fever consume my thoughts, but it is very difficult indeed. Plus on top of it all I've been under a lot of stress lately and am dealing with that. I just want to be healthy and have a happy healthy baby. I don't think that's too much to ask really.

I see my doctor tomorrow afternoon and I'm planning to show her my charts, talk to her about how long they are, and see if she can help prior to a "year of TTC or three MCs" as she put it previously. We've been TTC since May 2010 and actively since August 2010. So that would put us at 6 months TTC in Feb. The least the doctor could do is to give me a blood test to check my hormone levels and also perhaps check for any hCG.

I took a HPT this morning and BFN. If I am correct with my calculations, then I'm only 7dpo and too early to test but I figured I'd get the bad news out of the way so later this/next week I can get some positive news. *smile* I do feel generally more tired and have slight cramps, but no other significant signs. My tummy feels different, (perhaps like the first time I was pregnant in October, but I can't be totally sure) and I'm hoping it' not AF faking me out. Time will tell. Yes, the same time that is ticking by like years..