Friday, January 14, 2011

Confused Ramblings

I had thought things were finally looking up, ovulation had occurred and we were on our way to getting a positive result. I still hold out hope, but am confused just as much now as I have been for the past few weeks. My temperature charting looks like a bad joke and even with a positive OPK and CM to verify, my temp didn't seem to spike after Jan 9/10th like I'd have expected. I was so excited to get the +OPK and now so let down that my temps haven't spiked up to show a bi-phasal chart. Instead the slow rise continues. Leaving me perplexed as to what exactly is going on.

This cycle is 50 days long today, and very abnormal for me. All I can do is wait, and hope that my temps spike, or I breakdown eventually and take a HPT, with a positive result. I wonder if anyone's gotten a BFP with this type of temps. I mean there must be someone out there who has. Not everyone takes BBT right? My chances are fair? I'm now grasping straws.

My only other thought is that maybe my temps are low due to a progesterone issue. I really hope not and have no idea why I would even think that. I must have read it someplace. See what reading does? It make you paranoid. But after all, I'm a worrier. I'd thought about calling a friend of mine who is a doctor and asking her for her opinion, but I'm not sure that there'd be much she could tell me. Besides there's no way to know without blood testing and my doctor currently refuses to test me for anything. Upsetting? Very. 

I'm trying to stay positive and hope that I've had a BFP for awhile now and just missed it on the one HPT I did take on Jan 3rd. Which would have been only 8 days past the beginning of this slow climb in temps. Assuming I ovulated back then.. but then why'd the OPK show positive on Jan 9th? I'm only 5dpo if I use Jan 9th. I can do this. I can hold out and test at 14dpo if AF hasn't shown up by then. January 23rd feels so far away! Fingers crossed that my temps keep on climbing up there. Strong and steady.

The waiting and worrying day to day is excruciating. I may break down and take a HPT tomorrow with FMU. Would be a bit disheartening if it were a BFN though. And I assume it would be based on the Jan 9th OPK. I see my doctor for other reasons next Tuesday and perhaps I'll find a way to bring it up then and ask again for blood testing. Maybe if I show her this cycle's chart..

I guess it all boils down to the fact that I'd feel much more at ease if my temperatures were higher. Then at least I'd know the ovulation was real and not just my body trying to ovulate. 

Currently, I don't feel like AF is coming soon. I feel like my belly has this full feeling, bloating, a bit higher up and toward the left side. A bit like when we got our BFP in October, but again I don't want to get my hopes up. I'm not tired like I was then. I've been staying up late and haven't felt nauseas. My BB's don't hurt. At this point, I'd gladly endure the worst pregnancy symptoms, just have a healthy full-term pregnancy.

Thanks to those of you who've read this far in my rantings and who think I'm not a total wack-job for feeling this way. Please send as much baby dust and positive thoughts our way as you can spare.