Today it is Christmas Eve! I'm excited to be traveling to Ottawa for the season and a nice relaxing time with family. We're at the airport waiting for our flight. For me, today is also CD29 and my morning temperature finally went above my coverline. Yay! This might be good news for us. Possible O-day?
Now to hope that my temps stay up for at least 12 days to give me some sense of peace about the luteal phase. Then I can relax into January and have a nice calm cycle. Ahhh, wouldn't that be wonderful.
This would mean that I ovulated late this cycle. Even later than my normally late (CD22-25) ovulation. Likely because of the stress of the holidays. I am/was beginning to think this cycle was anovulatory and or going to last forever. Next cycle I will also be using OPKs again and am crossing my fingers that my cycles can regulate themselves soon for me (and my sanity!).
Sending holiday wishes to you and yours,
SBUX Christmas Paper from my cheese danish - yum! |