Sunday, December 12, 2010

Epic Follicular Phases

My follicular phases seem to last for freaking ever. It's now calendar day 17, and not much has occurred. A few blips and bumps along the temperature chart but nothing of note. The charts up to this point normally look like a roller coaster ride of random ups and downs in the high 35s to low 36s. The last two cycles I tracked had O-day occurring around day 21-25. That's a long wait if you think about it - most of a month. So I'm speculating that this cycle will be on pattern and very much the same. I guess I have well developed eggies. Or so I hope. Much as previous cycles I worry about the shortness of the Luteal Phase and can only hope that O-day will creep downwards and extend the LP. Only time will tell. 

On Friday, I had mouth surgery to remove a growth (a piece of skin that I kept on biting - painful). I will spare you the details as I am sure most of you will not want to know how awful surgery on your mouth is. They did the procedure at the dentist's office and it went surprisingly smoothly. I was so scared that I was shaking in the chair. My husband said in a comforting tone before I left, "It will be okay, how bad could it be?". My answer, "He is going to give me a needle, then cut my cheek, then cauterize it. Being poked, cut and then burned. How much worse could it be?" He just hugged me. Two days later and it is healing nicely I believe. Now we wait for the test results. I think it will come back normal. Staying positive is always the best method.

For now, I am trying to relax and heal up. I thought I was doing a pretty good job of relaxing personally. But I guess not. As I have developed a rash (again) from stress (or from laundry detergent possibly) that is very persistent and likes to keep me awake at night. Perhaps from the stress of anticipating surgery, but I'm speculating. I would like to scratch my skin off but have learned from past experiences that scratching only puts you back to square one. Sigh. Hoping to find some relief soon.