Baby Girl 24 week ultrasound |
Baby Boy 24 week ultrasound |
They were moving around all over the place while we watched the scan. Baby Girl was head down and Baby Boy was head up in my belly this time. Baby Boy kept kicking his sister in the face! She was protecting herself by putting her arm up in front of her face. Poor girl, she's already getting picked on. I told DH that his son was already a little troublemaker.
This time around, there was a bit more fat on their teeny bodies and we got a few more photos, nothing super clear, but we have yet to go through all of the photos they gave us on CD. They told us it's harder to get pictures of two babies, since it's more limbs to get in the way and more movement. No big deal. We got to see them and we got a DVD of our hour long session, so that's good enough for us. UCBaby also gave us two gift bags full of coupons and trial items which I loved! Inside were 4oz bottles, diaper creams, stretch mark creams and sample diapers. Score! I love gift bags! Our parents got to watch the broadcast live again this time. It is up online for 60 days for anyone to view. If you're interested, send me an email and I can send you the link.
Now that I'm feeling the flutters of movement more often each day (no real kicks yet or feeling on the outside - hoping that comes soon so DH can feel them moving too!), I am beginning to become more and more aware that this is really happening for us, and there are babies inside of my tummy. I know you're thinking, "How could she not know by now?" Well, I guess the best way to explain it is that it's a really huge change from my normal, or 30 years of just being me, and until recently I had no way of knowing the babies were even there unless I looked down and went "Oh, yeah. A belly!" Up to this point I haven't really had many of the pregnancy side effects that most women complain about. (I'm happy about that.)
Week 23 belly pic (Taken Oct 4/11) |
Today, we're off to do a bit more shopping/errands for the week and drive to my parents' place for the long weekend to celebrate Thanksgiving! Now to get DH out of bed...
At the Lake for Thanksgiving |
Happy Thanksgiving All!