Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Twins Prenatal Class

We had our first twins and triplets prenatal class this week and we're glad to meet other couples in our area who are also having twins (no one in the class was expecting triplets). The instructor had us all break the ice by arranging ourselves in order of due date. I was quite surprised that we were couple #3 in the line! I'd expected to be someplace in the middle. Also I was surprised again to see we were one of the younger couples in the room, someplace close to the middle if I had to guess. Then finally was very surprised at how many of the women, who were not as far along as us, were already off of work.

We learned a little about all of the other couples and then watched a short video about twins. Then the nurse discussed some of the signs to watch for which would be abnormal/might signal preterm labour and which ones are normal. We knew most of the subject matter but were interested none the less. One tidbit we did learn, is that preterm multiples have a higher survival rate than singletons born at the same gestational age. We guessed it was because of a bond formed in utero, but there is likely a good explanation. Who knew?

I look forward to next week's class on labour and delivery. I have a feeling that the videos may be a bit on the slap-in-the-face-scary side, but hopefully are helpful to us. I'm guessing they're not like the baby shows on TLC. It's also the class when the dad's will learn about massage how-to. The massage, I am anticipating, will come in very handy when we do eventually go to the hospital to meet our cubs.

Suddenly, reality has snuck up on me. I am beginning to realize that this is truly happening for us. Our babies are doing well and will be born big and healthy with a high chance of survival.. which translates into.. I will be feeling a lot of pain and have to push them out.. in approximately two and a half more months. It's all hapening so fast!

I really love being pregnant and don't want it to end anytime soon. I'd be okay with late-term twins, at perhaps 38 weeks along. That would also put us into the second week of January which would be very nice. I love feeling the cubs kicking and rolling around, and will miss that feeling. Though I am somewhat conflicted, as much as I am enjoying pregnancy and all of it's wonders, I also look forward to meeting our babies and holding them! I mean, we will get to keep them and take them home! There are two real people growing inside of my belly! Life is so beautiful.
26 week belly pic
Pregnancy has been wonderful to me. I wasn't sick or really even tired in the first trimester. I don't have heartburn, hemorrhoids, leg cramps, swelling, stretch marks or any of the things women usually complain about. My energy level has remained fairly high throughout. I worked out on the elliptical until approximately week 20 (I miss it now) and have been doing my best to clean and do household tasks. I haven't really had any issues and am very thankful.

I have very recently noticed feeling more tired as time goes on and have noted small changes, things which zap my energy, creeping in on me. Things like walking up the stairs at work, sitting in meetings for long periods of time, standing for more than a few minutes at a time, and generally commuting to and from work, all seem to be becoming more difficult. I've taken sick days here and there just to get by. At this point I am struggling to work my 4 day weeks, and am not sure I could make it through a 5 day work week without complete exhaustion. Next week (which is a 5 day work week), I am planning to talk with my OB regarding work and when I might expect to be off in her opinion and then move forward from there.

As a last fancy night out on the town, we are going to see the Royal Winnipeg Ballet preform Alice in Wonderland at the end of this week. A throw back to our Manitoba roots and our last ballet night out before the babies arrive. It will be nice to dress up and spend the evening together in a cultural setting. I have the perfect little black dress.. and a perfect husband to share it with.

Edit: The babies either loved or hated the ballet. They were wiggling around like mad the entire performance. We thought that the story was a bit unique for a ballet and enjoyed the show. Afterwards we went out to the Keg lounge for a late evening dinner, just the two (er, four) of us.
Evening at the Ballet