I finished taking the 50mg clomid medication 6 days ago. I hear that if it does work it is supposed to help along ovulation shortly after finishing the medication. By shortly, I mean a week or two. I'm halfway through that time frame. Still waiting and hoping that it has helped me. No definitive signs yet. I have felt more cramping in my lower tummy on both sides off and on so maybe that is a good sign.
I've been taking OPKs everyday this week in the hopes of seeing the lines get darker. So far they've been, and are staying, super faint to non existent.
On a positive note, my temperatures have gone up again slightly this cycle. The trend over the past few cycles has been increasing temperatures overall, which I am looking at as a good sign of being healthy. Last autumn my BBTs were around the mid 35s during the FP and they are now around the mid 36s. Almost a full degree increase! That has got to be good.
I plan to keep on waiting (what else can I do really?) and opk testing. I'm trying to will my body to cooperate and the lines to darken, but so far it doesn't appear to be working.
Only 9 more days until we go into the fertility clinic for the first appointment! (And only 4 days until my birthday!) Our package of paperwork has not yet arrived. I'll be checking the mailbox this week in anticipation. I'm interested to see what details they've sent us and what our options may be. I'm sure I know about many/most of them as I tend to read a lot on the subject, but to actually be faced with options may be another story entirely. The funny thing is, the longer this TTC thing is taking, the more appealing multiples are looking... Maybe I'm getting impatient.
I stopped by the baby section the other day while shopping and bought a few little sleepers. We have three pink ones and four blue ones stored away for our babies. Any we don't use will end up as gifts.
Speaking of gifts, for my birthday this Friday, all I want is a strong and healthy ovulation so we can finally begin a family of our very own.