Sunday, January 5, 2014

One month old + two one-year olds

Today, I have a one month old little newborn peanut and two little mischievous one year olds.

(Okay, so my twins will be two years old next week, but until then, they're still one.)

Tanner has been here a month. It blows my mind that a month has come and gone already since the day of his birth. I feel like it was last week that we were in the hospital waiting for our baby to arrive.

He's been working on lifting his head, he follows you with his eyes and just today followed his daddy with his head. He looks at whoever is talking and his grip is like steel.

As of Friday he weighed 9lbs14oz, just over his birth weight. We struggled at first to get his weight back up but we are doing great now and he will be growing like a weed from here on out.

I love him more and more every minute that I get to spend with him. I feel so very blessed that he chose me as his mommy.

Watching my three babies grow is the best feeling in the world. <3

My task today is to take one month pictures of Tanner on the big boy camera (which Phil isn't allowed to touch without supervision). I liked having a picture of Claire & Hayden each month to compare and to look back at. I don't have a quilt from my mom yet so I'll be using one I made instead.

Tanner at one month old