Sunday, November 24, 2013

Tick Tock...

Tomorrow we are officially 40 weeks pregnant. While I am excited, I am also beginning to feel like this baby is never going to arrive and I'll be kicking it out just in time for kindergarten.

Even with how much I love being pregnant, love my belly, love feeling someone alive inside of my tummy wiggling around, love pondering the miracle of life, and even though I am a bit sad that this will be our last baby, I am ready. Did you hear me baby? I. am. ready. And so are you. I'd like my body back now please.

My mom arrived at our house on Wednesday and today is Sunday (Grey Cup Sunday to be precise). We've been waiting four entire days now for something to happen. My water to break, contractions to begin, baby to drop. Nothing. Four days really feels like forever when all you're doing is waiting.

I've tried everything I can think of to get baby to come out, some of which were suggested by friends. Also drinking loads of raspberry leaf tea, walking as much as I can (I even walked around the grocery store two days ago for nearly two hours), shovelling the deck, running after one year old twins, playing outside in the snow, sitting hunched over on the floor with them playing, colouring. Nada. No dice. Baby doesn't seem to get my hints.

Baby is stubborn. Like its mommy. And like its daddy. Great.

I feel baby kicking me often from the inside and I think, "just use that energy to come out!" It seems as though my body may not know what to do. Maybe I'm lacking those special hormones which signal for things to get moving along. Or possibly baby is waaay too comfy in there. I've tried poking my belly, pushing down to create less space and even issuing an evacuation order.

Come on baby lets get this party started. Each day you stay inside of my tummy is another day you are growing larger and we all know you are large enough now. I'm already packing away all of our newborn clothing and am afraid you will not fit into the massive amounts of newborn diapers we've bought for you. You could practically walk out on your own if you stay much longer..

The ultrasound we had done nearly a week ago said that baby was measuring 9lbs 5-6oz. I certainly hope that was wrong and that baby will be more along the lines of 8lbs something, but the longer we have to wait the more I'm sure this baby is going to be huge. If you've seen my husbands head size, that's a very terrifying thought..

Tomorrow is also our 40 week OB appointment. I plan to ask them to strip my membranes this time in the hopes of starting immediate labour. The 38 & 39 week appointments I'd turned it down. (Beginning to think that might've been a mistake, but at the time I didn't quite want to go directly into labour - just in case.)

I've been feeling so very beyond exhausted this week, more than I've ever been in my life. I am out of breath all the time and I can't get comfortable in any position - which is perplexing to me, since in my first pregnancy my belly was much larger and carried nearly 13lbs of kids in it at once...

I'm normally a mover and get stuff done but I can barely manage to do anything without feeling like I've run a race. I'm sleeping in as much as I can. (Thank you to my mom and husband for watching my babies so I can rest.) I'm napping in the afternoons and going to bed early. All of which is not leaving me feeling rested, but hoping that if labour ever freaking begins, I'll have enough energy to get by.

Our OB has told us that they normally induce between 41+1 & 31+3 days. That would put us for an induction between Dec 3rd (my father-in-law's birthday) & Dec 5th. I refuse to wait that much longer! That's a whole mother week! But, I have zero choice in this matter and all I can do is hope that baby continues to stay healthy and think positive thoughts for labour which must be coming soon.. Right? Please??