August 23rd we went to UCBaby for a 3D ultrasound. Since we didn't want to know baby's gender we mostly got to see images of their face, which was pressed snugly against the placenta. Baby was lying across my belly horizontally.
We sent an email to grandparents so they could watch along live over the Internet as the technician did the scan for us. Last time, with Claire & Hayden we had wanted to know their genders and so got a ton more images. Likely also because they were two babies.
However, here are a few that we did get this time. I don't really think that baby looks much like Claire or Hayden but completely different or a combo of both (based on their faces from our 3D ultrasound back in September 2011).
Now I'm even more curious if this little babe is a girl or a boy. I have an instinctive feeling, but I guess we will just have to wait another 10-12 weeks and see.
As of yesterday we are officially 28 weeks and now into the third trimester! Baby kicks & rolls & punches me many times a day now and it feels quite strange, especially the rolling motions. I've also been out of breath most nights now and am having trouble getting comfortable enough to sleep, which does not bode well while caring for two energetic toddlers. I also was diagnosed last week through blood test as anemic so am now taking an iron pill once per day.
It's very bittersweet being in the third trimester, as I've tried my best to enjoy this pregnancy as I enjoyed our first pregnancy, but with two toddlers and moving to new house this summer, its just flown by so quickly. I really hope things will begin to settle down this fall so I can enjoy the final trimester of my last pregnancy, prepare for baby and cook some freezer meals. We also need to come up with some names soon!