Thursday, June 6, 2013

Nearly a Year and a Half

We are almost into month 17 now. Our kids amaze us everyday with all of the new skills they're learning.
Claire and Hayden both can ask to be picked up now. They aren't talking much yet (still a lot of babbles) but its coming soon. They clearly understand so much more than we thought. If you ask them to do something (aka bring an object to a person or animal) they will usually do it. They can also point out objects when asked in books and seem to be absorbing a zillion new things a day.
They can now climb up onto furniture and get in and out of their kiddie pool at Grandma & Grandpa's house. They also cover themselves with blankets when they're tired. Just yesterday we have them their first wooden puzzle (for ages 3+) and they matched up the pieces, most going in the correct direction and nearly all in the correct spots. Huge accomplishments for not even being a year and a half old yet.
I look forward to having conversations with my kids someday (I'm in no big rush) and I wonder what they will teach me.
For now, we will continue to push out those last bits of "one year" molars. Claire's are nearly all through all the way now And Hayden's still working hard on getting his through. Poor guy, he teethes so slowly.
We got new swings this week at Grandma & Grandpa's, which are a huge hit. Also, a kiddie pool which seems to be for splashing, climbing and tossing toys and random objects into.

Last week we sold our first house. The house that Phil and I bought when we were just 24. It was really sad to leave it for the last time. We spent a few days in a hotel and then the past week at Grandma & Grandpa's house. Next week we are going on a business trip, staying in another hotel (I'm hoping the babies don't get too bored!). Then another business trip and a stay with friends, and a week with Grannie & Grandpa.

Our new house is set to be finished on July 5th and hopefully we can get everything moved in July 6th. It will be very nice to be home for awhile and get everything set up and get back into a routine. We are thankful to have such wonderful family and friends, giving us places to stay and looking after our dog when we are essentially homeless for five weeks. Our cats are in a kennel and we are going to visit them tomorrow to let them know we haven't abandoned them entirely. They'll stay for the next month.

We're now 15 weeks along in our pregnancy and I'm feeling good. My energy seems to be coming back and I haven't felt dizzy or nauseas in awhile. We go for our next ultrasound in early July for the anatomy scan. There they check all of the baby's body parts and organs. We aren't going to find out the baby's sex. It'll be really nice to have a surprise this time being that its our last baby. This will likely be our last medical ultrasound as well, which will be strange, since we had so many with Claire & Hayden that we really got spoiled.
Next update and we should be moved into our new house!