It's June already and we're 5 months of age. I'm not sure where the time is going. I'm feeling like our twins are about 2 months, tops. We had a great trip last month to Manitoba and the babies met so many new people. This month we took the babies camping for the first time in our trailer (which we're hoping to sell soon, along with our ATVs). They seemed to really like camping. Grandma & Grandpa came along for one night and we had a really nice time. Also, end of the month we are flying to Ottawa for two weeks, to attend a wedding and to see more family. Grannie & Grandpa will be there too, so we get to see them again really soon!
The babies put everything in their mouths now and are drooling a lot more. Teeth may be coming soon, but no sign of them yet. Hayden has been working on learning to sit up and learning to walk when held. (Grannie had him walking all over her living room last month!) He's pretty good at both, but not quite there yet. We are hoping for a few more months of non-mobility. Claire has continued to do great at tummy time and is still a poor napper. She fights sleep, as if she doesn't want to miss a thing. Both babies love their exersaucers and jumper, so now we have more playtime in the mornings and afternoons between napping (or fighting off a nap in Claire's case). Good thing they both sleep through the night most of the time now, with only the occasional early morning waking, or we wouldn't get any rest! I also like to read books to the babies whenever I can. They have a fun little toy book that squeaks and makes rattling/crunching noises, a whole bunch of board books and even some cloth books that Grandma sewed for them, which I love taking in the car to prop up on the seat so they can look at the pictures. They're also beginning to grab objects with both hands now, which is completely amazing to watch. I love these little guys more than words can express.
At their 4 month check up (really 4 and a half months - May 30) Claire weighed 13lbs 2oz and was 59cm long. Hayden weighed 14lbs 6oz and was 59.5cm long. Both are healthy and doing well. Soon they will be too heavy for the top bassinets of their pack-n-plays and sleeping in their nursery, in the crib together. Perhaps once we return from Ottawa. Also as a side note, the batteries died in their Snuzas (breathing safety alarms the babies wear on their diapers at night time), on the exact same day, last week. So we'll be sleeping without monitors for a few weeks until the new ones arrive which we had to order from Australia! So far Mommy hasn't been overly worried, though I do check their tummies from time to time during the nights just to settle my mind enough to sleep soundly.
Looking forward to our upcoming trip and seeing how the babies will do with flying for the first time!
Four generations. Taken May 2012 in Thompson, MB |
Proud Grandma & Great-Grandma! |
We're 5 months old! |
Claire at 5 months! |
Hayden at 5 months! |