Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Two Months Old!

As of Sunday our babies were two whole months old! It went by so very quickly.

They're doing great and learning to focus on objects and lift up their heads. Tummy time is enjoyed by Claire, who is a champ at it, but not so much by Hayden. He seems to prefer to put his arms back in a superman pose, which is not so good when trying to hold up ones head. He will get it I'm sure. The babies also like to admire their playgym and love their swing. It soothes them to sleep most every afternoon. I only wish we had space for two of them. The other places the babies hang out, beside when being cuddled of course, are their bouncy chairs. They seem to find them comfortable enough for napping as well. Their favorite thing seems to be car rides. They hate getting into their buckets for walks or car rides but once we get moving they fall right to sleep. We've been going for a lot of walks and car rides just to get out of the house every couple of days.

This past month we did have one night where both babies slept through a night a whole 6 hours! But it was only the one time and we continue to hope for more just like it!

The babies still are eating about 100mls every 3 hours or so on a basic schedule and thankfully they're on a similar schedule! They are getting formula plus breastfeeding whenever we can, though after two months I have pretty much given up on pumping as it was a huge time sink and really worth the amount I was getting. We'll see if my milk sticks around or not. I'm just happy to not be chained to that machine eight times a day and to have more time to spend caring for our babies.

This next month coming up we'll likely have Grandma back to help for a bit, we're going to Edmonton for a weekend getaway and to Grandma & Grandpa's place for Easter weekend in April. It's shaping up to be a busy month!

Here is their two month photo with their stuffed owl, taken on March 11th, 2012.
Happy Two Months Babies!