Monday, January 9, 2012

Our Last Ultrasound

Our last ultrasound & perinatologist visit went really good today. We think they must have measured the babies' growth incorrectly last time. Baby girl now weighs approximately 6lbs4oz and Baby boy weighs approximately 6lbs11oz going by their measurements today. Both had good strong heartbeats and both babies were moving around, though we think the tech woke up baby girl from a nap by moving the wand around to try to get her to "practice" breathe. Baby boy did his "practice" breathing wonderfully as usual, but baby girl wasn't doing it, even after a long time watching and waiting, so a nurse hooked me up to a machine for a non stress test. There was one heartbeat monitor for her and one for him, plus a monitor probe to measure any contractions. I guess I wasn't having any as the numbers seemed to stay low on the display. After monitoring for 15 minutes or so, the cubs passed beautifully and we were sent home.

Our truck is now packed, the baby seats in, and we're all set to go. Tomorrow's appointment for induction is at 10am. We're a bit scared, a bit excited and have no idea what to expect but we're looking forward to a positive experience. I'm hoping the cubs will make their debut into the world on January 11th, early in the morning, as it's Phil's parents' 48th wedding anniversary and would make a great gift!

Tonight we're having a bunch of junk food and are playing video games on the xbox together. Just a quiet evening at home. We hope to be able to get some quality sleep and wake up early tomorrow to make a yummy pancake breakfast. The thoughts of meeting our healthy, happy cubs is now starting to really sink in...