Week 18 has been wonderful. On Tuesday August 30th we got another ultrasound and this time it was the anatomy scan. The technician checked each baby over very carefully and measured what seemed to be every square inch of their teeny bodies. She even looked at all of their organs. Then we waited while the Radiologist went over the ultrasound images. They told us that everything looked great and that the babies, whom I lovingly refer to as "The Cubs", measured right along with 19 weeks. (They still think I am a week ahead. Silly doctors.) We asked to find out the babies' genders, but were told that they were both in a position which was hiding their bums. Sneeky little Cubs! These are definitely my kids, very stubborn.
Both babies were in a breech position, with their heads up by my ribs and their feet down by my pelvis. They were spooning and looks so happy in there. Baby A had a heartbeat of 153, and baby B had a heartbeat of 150. We are still guessing boy/girl, but who knows we may just be surprised.
We were delighted to hear the healthy update and went out to CharCut (a fancy restaurant here in the city) for a celebratory lunch date. It was really nice to spend some quality time with DH.
I also found out, from the ultrasound technician, that there are companies which will do 3D scans and broadcast it to 8 email addresses live, so people from out of town can watch right along. They can also tell you the genders if you like, so we will try once again. I called the company to see when they normally do twin scans. Turns out it's best between weeks 21-24, while the babies still have space to move about. Since we are going to be gone end of September for 10 days to visit family, we booked an appointment for Friday September 16th. We will either be in week 20 or week 21. I'm excited to be able to see them again so soon, yet I really don't want ultrasounds to harm our babies. Though I'm told that they don't, I still worry for them. It will be very nice to experience a 3D ultrasound though and get some more photos, also to be able to bring the photos to show my Grandma the next week.
18 weeks |