Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Call

This afternoon, as we were getting ready to head back to the walk-in clinic for my "cd21" blood test results, the phone rang.

It was Jennifer from the local fertility clinic! (I'm beginning to like her.) She had informed me back in March, that it would likely be 3-6 more months to receive a phone call. My expectations had been for the worst, and I'd prepared myself to wait it out until the fall. Today she called to make our first appointment! I still can't believe it. She is sending us out a package full of information.

On May 11th, we will be going to the fertility clinic for help with TTC and end of June is the SA. It feels so wonderful to know that by May/June we will have a plan. We will finally know for sure if I do have PCOS and we'll be on track to get thorough testing completed. Wish us luck for a healthy, workable outcome!

Ideally, we could conceive on our own, but given the past year, it would appear I am not ovulating properly/in a timely fashion(attributed to PCOS), and in order to have a healthy baby we will take all of the help we can get. We are doing our best to be proactive. Some of our stress has just been lifted.

Currently, we are in the walk-in clinic waiting room to get my cd21/7dpo progesterone test results. I'm hopeful for a number above 10ng/ml, which I've read online is ideal.
"A level over 5 probably indicates some form of ovulation, but most doctors want to see a level over 10 on a natural cycle, and a level over 15 on a medicated cycle."

Update: My progesterone levels were found to be 11.8mmol
I guess they use a different measurement in Canada. So I don't know what the conversion would be.

The doctor wanted to see it at 13-108, so he said I may not be ovulating on my own and recommended I wait and get clomid at the fertility clinic. Luckily that should be within the next couple of months.