Thursday, November 25, 2010

New Member of the Family

Today I am 10 or 11dpo. It is somewhat comforting to know that my luteal phase is in the normal range, even if it is on the low side. Although I'd prefer to see 12-14dpo, I'll take what I can get. It seems that all systems are working properly and I am hopeful that we will have a happy healthy pregnancy soon. I'm just glad to be ovulating and have normal AF. Let's hope that my hormone levels are also normal. There is no way to tell other than blood tests and those are not in the cards, as our doctor will only do testing if we've had a lot of trouble. This cycle, however, appears to be out.

This morning my temps dropped 0.3 degress, from an average of 36.50, to only 36.22C. I'm taking that as an indicator that we are not miraculously pregnant this cycle, and that AF is on her way. We plan to skip trying in December and to focus on family and the holidays. We'll now be moving onto January to try to conceive in hopes for an October or November 2011 baby. (Those are two of my favorite months.) Please wish us positive luck/karma and send prayers our direction for a happy healthy pregnancy and baby to be.

As for adding to our family, today we are adopting a shelter cat. He will make three. After suddenly losing our youngest cat at the end of May 2010, I wasn't sure we'd get another cat at all. Losing her in only a few precious hours, took a really big toll on my heart. After doing some soul searching, I have spent most of this week torn between two wonderful cats at our local shelter. I know that our beloved cat would have wanted us to save a new friend, and give them a loving home, just like we did for her.

I went in to see one specific cat and ended up connecting with two. Ultimately, we could only take one cat and I had to make a tough choice. It took me over three days, but I finally decided to take the second kitty that I met. He seemed to have the most friendly/cuddly disposition and I thought he would fit into our household well. Though it was a very close race and both were friendly and social. They definately didn't make it an easy decision! The first kitty I met was beautiful, friendly and curious, but he was sneezing and I had to take into account my pets at home and what is best for them. I would have loved to adopt both boys, but thats not possible right now. So I had the shelter put my name on the other guys' account incase they were to put him on a list to be put to sleep, then I'll be going back to get him even if we don't have the room!

So tonight on my way home from work, I am picking up our new friend! He is a brown tabby cat with white feet and chest. The shelter thinks he is about a year old, but they aren't sure, and really it doesnt matter to us. We are just glad to be able to rescue another kitty and I'm hopeful that he will blend into our family nicely.