Our little babies are 16 months. Time is still flying by at breakneck speed. There's been so much to do these last few months.
Claire now has three out of four molars through and Hayden's are just about there as well. They are now saying more words everyday and can point out objects in books when asked. It's amazing to realize how much they understand.
In the past month they've learned to climb down the stairs, making things interesting when trying to care for them alone. They're new favourite thing to do is go outside to play and they love to run down the sidewalk, play on the back deck and go to the playground. They love rocks, throwing rocks, water and bubbles. Hayden is obsessed with all car wheels and stops to examine each one we see.
For my birthday we had family come to our place. Grandma & Grandpa, Grannie & Grampa, Uncle Kevin & Cousin Sarah were all here for the weekend. We had Indian food and cake. My two favourite things. Yum!
For the rest of the month, we're focused on packing and are moving out of our home on May 31st. We'll be staying with my parents for a bit and Phil's parents for a bit, travelling to Lethbridge, Waterton and Regina until July. Hopefully by then we'll have a new house to move into!
Our house was drywalled, taped and mudded beginning of May. Mid May the cabinets were in, primer on the walls and the ceilings were done. The outside is nearly finished as well. We don't yet have an official possession date but hopefully soon. Fingers crossed it's all finished as per the plans when we get back!