Saturday, March 30, 2013

15 Beautiful Months

Our twin babies are now fifteen months old. They're crazy little fun people that make every single day special and full of love.

Both of them will now climb up into my lap to cuddle or just to sit with me. They also come to me and give hugs. It's so very sweet and makes my day. They love to point things out to us and are very curious & observant. They are doing their best to communicate and I try to "listen" by watching them to figure out what they want/need.

We seem to be teething our molars now which has been going on for a few weeks and is not so pleasant but my babies are taking it well and are rarely grumpy about it. They put their tiny hands into their mouths and are chewing on everything and anything that can reach their back gums. I hope that the teeth come in soon to spare them some distress. My poor little cubs. We've been using some Tylenol, Advil or Oragel here and there but for the most part rest & popsicles have been the best medicine.
In other news, we sold our house at the end of March! It's our first house, which we had built in 2005 and we have had a lot of wonderful memories here. We got married while living here and brought our babies home from the hospital in this house. We also, over the years, built our own fences, our own garage, landscaped the yards and finished our own basement. It will be very bittersweet to move away. I expect I may just cry when we're leaving for the very last time. We are here until May 30 and I plan to spend as much time at home as we can between now and then.

After which, we will be in between houses for a bit, until our builder finishes our new house. We are now speculating sometime mid to end of July. We have the option to stay with family, in our trailer or to possibly travel a bit. (I think our move may actually be harder on our pets, whom its looking like we will have to kennel for a couple of months.) I think we'll play it by ear and hope to not get homesick. It will be so nice to be moved into our new house and have everyone and everything settled again. I'm looking forward to August this year!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Almost fourteen months!

Well it hasn't quite been 14 months yet (the 11th is on Monday) but I rarely get a chance to sit down and write, and I'm taking this opportunity.

Our babies are getting really big now and are both running everywhere. They're now saying "dis" & "dat" as we'll as their previous vocabulary. It's so fun to watch them play games with each other and we often have quiet play time where they choose a toy and run around with it. Our new favourite thing is a soccer ball which both babies kick and throw around the house. Hayden can also catch now if you toss a small ball or a ball of socks to him. They still amaze me every day.
Our new house is coming along and I had the chance to go inside for the first time this week. We are still quite a long way off with a projected completion date of "end of June".
I've been spending my days working on purging, organizing, cleaning, painting and staging our current house. It is starting to look really good and we now have an inventory of all our things. It felt good to get rid of a bunch of stuff we no longer needed, or knew we had, too. I will miss this house. Our first house. We built it while we were quite young, got married and had babies while living here. It's been good to us and I can only hope the next owner will treat it with love.
With all of this work we've been doing we've been getting the babies to help or hang out while we do a chore. I think it can't be super exciting for them but they always seem to get into something fun. Like the paint or the packing tape or pushing Rubbermaid bins around. I guess when you're one, everything is fun!